Thursday, May 24, 2012

Titanic is one of the most romantic movie that I have yet to come across. It's about two people who meet unexpectedly and completely fall for one another, yet at the same time they have to go through many obstacles long the way. Although they are from two different worlds (actually classes but it mind as well be the same thing back then) they risk everything to be with one another.

"Promise me you'll never give up, no matter how hopeless"

The tone is what I would call an "informative, drama" because it tries to make its audience believe in true love while exposing them to historical information that they may not have looked at otherwise. At the same time is pathos because they want you to feel bad for the characters. This movie is touching in many ways such as, over 1100 people died in the sinking of Titanic and the loss that everyone must of felt. The quotes above shows the two lovers in the movie want the absolute best for each other no matter what. This is a movie that everyone should watch and if you haven't seen it you definitely should!

Dosen, Jack. "Titanic." Web. 1997.

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